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How much Outdoor Exposure did we give to our Children?

It happened before 7-8 months, because of pandemic we had almost stopped stepping out of our home. Since last 2 years, home and market (that too only when needed), has become our world. But after taking vaccine, the fear of virus has minimized, we got little confidence with a thought as 'We have a weapon to fight with virus now' and we started to come out of home slowly. On one fine weekend we were roaming on a nearby hill. There I saw a salamander moving on a big rock. I showed it to my son and said, 'Look, What's this?'. He observed it for sometime and asked me 'Is it a toy mamma?'. I literally got shocked on his question. That reptile was moving his tail, looking here and there by raising his neck high, going ahead step-by-step. It was showing all the properties of living creature, but still my son is thinking as its a toy. Unable to understand logic behind it, I slowly asked him, 'why do you feel its a toy?'. He immediately answered, 'Its mov

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