Dear BFF

 They were talking friendly, He was relentlessly talking about his dreams, future plans and she was listening to him careful, suddenly, he stopped, smiled at himself and asked her "How do you capture my unspoken emotions so easily, How do you know me so well? I feel so light after talking with you and it gives me a huge strength for facing future challenges in my life.

Dear BFF, you are the witness of many bitter and sweet experiences in my life. When I can't share the things going on in my mind with others, you are always there for me. You let my tears flow and keep my secrets in your heart. You show me my inner self. You introduce me to my strengths and weaknesses and inspire me to be a better person everyday.

When my mind is covered with dark clouds and life feels mundane and boring then I enjoy your company seating in a coffee shop or under a tree and it makes me forget about the whole world. The day you came in my life you changed me a lot. You became my mirror image. I like your transparency, sincerity and it makes me fall in love with you again and again. 

I met with so many people in this journey of life, some were really good to me, kind and caring, some were rude and harsh, some met for work and some met just to get their work done. Some have guided me in difficult times and some have jugged me over a period of time. But you always listen to me peacefully. Never measured me on scale of good or bad or never complained about me. You are the only one who dig deep in my heart and understands me, my very special friend, true buddy, my bestie. Will you be with me for rest of my life?"

He hold his diary and cuddled her near his heart tightly. 


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